0. Introduction
There are the steps to follow:
1. Create a Repository in Hit Hub
It's assumed you have an account in Hit Hub
Navigate to https://github.com/YourName where "YourName" is the name of the account you have in Git Hub. In my case I use https://github.com/ximodante
Add a new repo as shown in the image. Click on "+" at the top right of the window and select New Repository.
Give a name (for instance OpeWebMavenPhGH), a description, and you can optionally create a README file. The press "Create Repository" button.
The README.md file is created with the information provides in the description field.
2. Show Git related views in Eclipse
The previous entry java project has been renamed to OpenWebMavenPhGH.
From the top menu Window > Show View > Other > Git > Git Repositories
Press Open button
Similarly Window > Show View > Other > Team > History
3. Clone a remote repository using Eclipse
In the Git Repositorues view, click to Clone a Git repository
And fill the form as follows, using your Git Hub account
Press Next button.
Press Next button.
Press Finish button.
Now the Git Repositories view is updated to:
4. Assign our project to the repository
Right-click on the project and select Team > Share Project
Take into account that our project has been moved from our eclipse workspace to